PUBLICATIONS Using Klar Microscopes

Syeed E. Ahmed, Cody Ingraham, Matthew D. McCluskey, Jesse Huso, and Violet M. Poole, Carbon impurities in oxide thin films: The effect of annealing and laser irradiation, J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B (2024).

J. Shang, M. Murugesan, R. Gul, S. Bigbee‑Hansen, J.M. Tallan, J.N. Duenow, and J.S. McCloy, Structural and Electronic Properties of Indium‑Doped n‑type Cd‑Se‑Te Crystals, J. Electronic Mater. 53, 3848 (2024).

J. Huso, M.D. McCluskey, J.S. McCloy, C.D. Frye, J.B. Varley, and L.F. Voss, Photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy of wide bandgap semiconductors damaged by deep-UV laser irradiation, Optical Materials Express 14, 2929 (2024).

Cassandra Remple, Jesse Huso, Marc H. Weber, John S. McCloy, and Matthew D. McCluskey, Electron irradiation effects on the optical properties of Hf- and Zn-doped β-Ga2O3, J. Appl. Phys. 135, 185702 (2024).

Jesse Huso, Matthew D. McCluskey, John S. McCloy, Arkka Bhattacharyya, Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Clint D. Frye, Joel B. Varley, and Lars F. Voss, Photoluminescence mapping of laser-damaged β-Ga2O3, MRS Commun. 14, 427 (2024).

J. Huso, V.M. Poole, R. Lytel, and M.D. McCluskey, Photoluminescence mapping of defects in semiconductors, 32nd International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors, Rehoboth Beach DE (Sept 10-15, 2023, poster).

C. Remple, J. Huso, B. Dutton, J. McCloy, and M. McCluskey, Photoluminescence mapping of β-Ga2O3, The 6th U.S. Gallium Oxide Workshop, Buffalo NY (Aug 13-16, 2023, poster).

S.E. Ahmed, V.M. Poole, J. Jesenovec, B.L. Dutton, J.S. McCloy, and M.D. McCluskey, Room temperature persistent photoconductivity in barium calcium titanate, J. Electronic Mater. 52, 2499 (2023).

Cassandra Remple, Lauren M. Barmore, Jani Jesenovec, John S. McCloy, and Matthew D. McCluskey, Photoluminescence spectroscopy of Cr3+ in β-Ga2O3 and (Al0.1Ga0.9)2O3, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 41, 022702 (2023).

H.-S. Lee, M.W. Rahman, D. Verma, V.M. Poole, R.C. Myers, M.D. McCluskey, and S. Rajan, Selectively-Patterned Mg-doped GaN by SiNx-driven hydrogen injection, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 40, 062201 (2022).

C. Remple, J. Huso, and M.D. McCluskey, Photoluminescence and Raman mapping of β-Ga2O3, AIP Advances 11, 105006 (2021).

S.E. Ahmed, V.M. Poole, J. Igo, Y. Gu, and M.D. McCluskey, Localized phase transition of TiO2 thin films induced by sub-bandgap laser irradiation, J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A 39, 053402 (2021).

J. Huso, M.D. McCluskey, Y. Yu, Md Minhazul Islam, and Farida Selim, Localized UV emitters on the surface of β-Ga2O3, Scientific Reports 10, 20122 (2020).

Q. Wang, L. Yang, S. Zhou, X. Ye, Z. Wang, W. Zhu, M.D. McCluskey, and Y. Gu, Phase-defined van der Waals Schottky junctions with significantly enhanced thermoelectric properties, J. Phys. Chem. 8, 2887 (2017).

Other Publications

Y. Yu and M.D. McCluskey, Classification of semiconductors using photoluminescence spectroscopy and machine learning, Applied Spectroscopy 76, 228 (2022).

M.D. McCluskey, Point defects in Ga2O3, J. App. Phys. 127, 101101 (2020).

Y. Yu, X. Ye, and M.D. McCluskey, Confocal microscopy with a microlens array, Appl. Opt. 59, 3058 (2020).

A. Alkauskas, M.D. McCluskey, and C.G. Van de Walle, Tutorial: Defects in semiconductors—combining theory and experiment, J. Appl. Phys. 119, 181101 (2016).

S. Eaton-Magana and C.M. Breeding, An Introduction to Photoluminescence spectroscopy for diamond and its applications in gemology, Gems & Gemology, pp. 2-17 (Spring 2016).

E. Faulques, F. Massuyeau, N. Kalashnyk and D.L. Perry, Application of Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy for identification of uranium minerals in the environment, Spectroscopy Europe Vol. 27, No. 1, 14 (2015). 

H. Yang, Nondestructive prediction of optimal harvest time of cherry tomatoes using VIS-NIR spectroscopy, Adv. Eng. Forum 1, 92 (2014).

M.O. Adu, A. Chatot, L. Wiesel, M.J. Bennett, M.R. Broadley, P.J. White and L.X. Dupuy, A scanner system for high-resolution quantitative of variation in root growth dynamics of Brassica rapa genotypes, J. Exper. Botany, 65, 2039 (2014).

D. Bersani and P.P. Lottici, Applications of Raman spectroscopy to gemology, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 397, 2631 (2010).

R. Pedros, I. Moya, Y. Goulas and S. Jacquemond, Chlorophyll fluorescence emission spectrum inside a leaf, Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences 7, 498 (2008).

M.A. Reshchikov and H. Morkoc, Luminescence properties of defects in GaN, J. Appl. Phys. 97, 061301 (2005).