Spectra, maps, and forensics
Klar offers measurement services to provide clients with photoluminescence (PL) and Raman maps of their samples. Klar will deliver maps, data sets, and peak fits for samples ranging from micron-to-centimeter sizes. Klar is presently offering deep UV, UV, visible, and near IR spectral maps (266 - 1700 nm). Klar’s newest addition to their measurement service is a liquid nitrogen stage enabling 80K-400K with any of its PL and Raman kits.
Klar Scientific’s forensics service includes discovery of defects, dislocations, compositional and elemental nonuniformities, and interlayer interactions within multilayer structures.
A spectral map contains up to 10 million sample points. We will work with you to interpret the data and solve your materials problems. We can also obtain SEM and TEM maps to provide an integrated view of a complex material system’s defects and processing-induced damage.
PL map of a 1300 nm LED array. The left image is intensity and the right image is the energy of the main emission peak.